I started off playing with the Patterson household and then switched to the Caines, finding Anthony and Thérèse already hating the sight of one another, and Thérèse having found a new best friend in Sebastian Vanderburg, the only son of the local royal family and a would-be international super spy, currently working for the local police department. After a few friendly visits where Thérèse would cry on his shoulder, they visited a club together and she took a chance and held his hand. Their outing became romantic (see the hearts?):
They watched the stairs, then kissed:
Sebastian, not under my control, confessed to Thérèse that he was attracted to her:
Since things weren't going too well at her home, they went back to the Hidden Springs Lodge where they'd hung out back when they were just friends. Trouble is, Sebastian, being a prince, is also a celebrity, so any public dates they have include his personal paparazzo:
Enough was enough: Thérèse asked Anthony for a divorce (yes, Anthony needed a shower):
Interestingly enough, neither of them received a negative moodlet from the end of their marriage. Neither did Francie, possibly because Thérèse took her along when she left the itty-bitty Caine household for Sebastian's place:
Seriously, she was way out of Anthony's league from the start.
That's teen Françoise Arsenault on the right, exercising with her mum (she took Thérèse's maiden name after she spontaneously decided -- during a teenage mood swing -- to drop Anthony as a friend). Francie picked up the hot-headed trait when she aged up and I left it because it seemed probable, given the kind of childhood she had.
Thérèse likes to exercise, but after this aerobics session, an after-effect of those nights at the lodge came to her attention;
She told Sebastian, who was pleased:
and Francie, who was less so, and picked a fight:
though they made up quickly enough when Francie decided that she wanted to touch Thérèse's tummy:
Finally, just a random shot of a night out in Hidden Springs. Left to right are teenage Robin, Thérèse playing piano, Deanna the cook, Francie on her mobile, Sebastian's mother in the long dress in the background, Sebastian by the window, and Elizabeth eating alone and watching Thérèse play.

I haven't paid too much attention to the Pattersons, but the game keeps me updated on their progress. John and Elly split up. He remarried twice more, but neither marriage lasted; Elly never remarried. Both have since died. Before the Patter-split, Mike, Deanna and the kids moved out to their own place and then Deanna left because there weren't enough beds at the new house for all of them. She moved back in after the kids had moved out. Meredith wound up dating the brother of April's boyfriend and of Robin's boyfriend (I could see this happening if the strip had continued, just to keep everyone close together). April's boyfriend moved into the Pattermanse and then he and April got their own place, which meant that Elizabeth wound up with the Pattermanse all to herself. She married her girlfriend, Cassidy Earthsong, and they had a daughter, who is pale green like Cassidy.